Let's burning
Now that the weather's warmed up enough to have people over again we've regained our reputations as the roudy young gaijin in our neighborhood, which is by in large dominated by people well over the of age 80. We're really not that bad, but when you factor in that our walls are literally paper-thin and everyone around us is in bed at 8 with the windows down it's pretty much impossible to do much of anything without expecting a complaint the following morning delivered in the form of Mizuuchi-san, our supervisor, whom they call whenever they have an issue to settle with us. That or they choose an even more passive-aggressive way of expressing their disapproval- by assembling outside my window early morning and discussing it in loud voices for me to overhear, whether I want to or not.
Admittedly, our last complaint was not unwarranted. After a particularly sandy day at the beach we thought it'd be fun to go back to the house and burn our massive haystacks of weeds that had accumulated in the backyard. This really isn't as bad as it sounds... in Japan burning things is a perfectly accepted and legal way of disposing of unwanted rubbish, especially of the organic sort. However one of us who shalt remain unnamed thought it'd be ok to set off a firework, and it would've been, had it not been way past the baasans and jiisans bedtime. Needless to say, they did not appreciate it and we had to move our s'more roasting indoors after a neighbor came out to give us the "dame" lecture. We seem to be getting a lot of those recently.

The next day as expected we received an engrish-loaded email from our supervisor- "Severe attension: We seem to have made noise into the mid-night on the weekend. with firework so on." After school he and another staff came over and acted as an intermediary as we apologized to the neighbors. It was a fun night even though we got told off for it. So no more late night gatherings at the mitsu house it seems, or at least no fireworks :( zannen...
Admittedly, our last complaint was not unwarranted. After a particularly sandy day at the beach we thought it'd be fun to go back to the house and burn our massive haystacks of weeds that had accumulated in the backyard. This really isn't as bad as it sounds... in Japan burning things is a perfectly accepted and legal way of disposing of unwanted rubbish, especially of the organic sort. However one of us who shalt remain unnamed thought it'd be ok to set off a firework, and it would've been, had it not been way past the baasans and jiisans bedtime. Needless to say, they did not appreciate it and we had to move our s'more roasting indoors after a neighbor came out to give us the "dame" lecture. We seem to be getting a lot of those recently.
The next day as expected we received an engrish-loaded email from our supervisor- "Severe attension: We seem to have made noise into the mid-night on the weekend. with firework so on." After school he and another staff came over and acted as an intermediary as we apologized to the neighbors. It was a fun night even though we got told off for it. So no more late night gatherings at the mitsu house it seems, or at least no fireworks :( zannen...