Kim Kam Kuru
Kim Kam's coming!
My old friend from high school announced that she'll coming to visit next month with DenB. (See post from 1 yr ago) I visited Kim in Hong Kong last year just after New Years 2007 where I was able to meet Denlison for the first time. I also got to see them again en route to Indonesia in December- during a 4 hour layover in HK I was able to see the two of them for a hurried food court lunch.
Unfortunately her visit is a short one and during my work week :( So I'll be spending the weekend in Osaka (perhaps catch a sumo match?) and perhaps Kyoto/Kobe before taking them back to Toyama with me. We'll have 3 days in the inaka where they'll be attending my school's graduation ceremonies and checking out the area before they have to catch their flight back to HK from Osaka, which happens to be the same day I catch my flight to India from Nagoya... and somewhere in there I'll perhaps pack.
Tomorrow I'm taking off for Tokyo for the weekend. Next week is the Returner's Conference in Yokohama for ALTs who aren't recontracting. The trip is optional which means our BOE doesn't cover travel/accommodation expenses, although having absolutely nothing resembling a future plan for post JET I figured it'd be a good idea to go. This weekend is also Hinamatsuri (Girl's Day) so I'll be celebrating with my host family in Chiba, Mari chan being a girl 'n all (not really sure what this entails- the celebration that is, not being a girl). Traditionally, according to my Japanese teacher, "celebrating" girls day involves snacking on sweet crackers (arare) while looking at dolls in silence. Knowing my host family though it'll hopefully be a bit more spiced up than that.
Weekend weather report for Tokyo:

uso janai? Never take the sun for granted. Or double digit highs.
My old friend from high school announced that she'll coming to visit next month with DenB. (See post from 1 yr ago) I visited Kim in Hong Kong last year just after New Years 2007 where I was able to meet Denlison for the first time. I also got to see them again en route to Indonesia in December- during a 4 hour layover in HK I was able to see the two of them for a hurried food court lunch.
Unfortunately her visit is a short one and during my work week :( So I'll be spending the weekend in Osaka (perhaps catch a sumo match?) and perhaps Kyoto/Kobe before taking them back to Toyama with me. We'll have 3 days in the inaka where they'll be attending my school's graduation ceremonies and checking out the area before they have to catch their flight back to HK from Osaka, which happens to be the same day I catch my flight to India from Nagoya... and somewhere in there I'll perhaps pack.
Tomorrow I'm taking off for Tokyo for the weekend. Next week is the Returner's Conference in Yokohama for ALTs who aren't recontracting. The trip is optional which means our BOE doesn't cover travel/accommodation expenses, although having absolutely nothing resembling a future plan for post JET I figured it'd be a good idea to go. This weekend is also Hinamatsuri (Girl's Day) so I'll be celebrating with my host family in Chiba, Mari chan being a girl 'n all (not really sure what this entails- the celebration that is, not being a girl). Traditionally, according to my Japanese teacher, "celebrating" girls day involves snacking on sweet crackers (arare) while looking at dolls in silence. Knowing my host family though it'll hopefully be a bit more spiced up than that.
Weekend weather report for Tokyo:

uso janai? Never take the sun for granted. Or double digit highs.