
Not much new to report, instead here are a few of my upcoming plans...

Halloween Party - Seeing as this is the best American holiday ever, I figure I should make it the focus of my lessons for the next few weeks :D Not entirely of course, but I've been slipping in Halloween activities and vocabulary in between my normal lessons -for example, learning parts of the body and face by constructing differnet types of monsters :P
Next week I'm going all out. On my scheduled day at Seibu we're going to have a party for the whole school in place of classes with games, costumes, and candy -- this is a big deal. Kids in Japan are not allowed to eat candy in school, EVER. But since Seibu is so small and my teachers are pretty chill there, they said they would make a cultural exception b(^-^) Yesterday I had all my 1st and 2nd graders make masks out of paper plates to bring to the party.
Chubu is gunna be a bit harder to plan, since candy is a no-go and there are 402 more students there than at Seibu. At my junior high I think we're just going to do a few games. But I'm telling all my favorite students that if they wear a costume for English class that day I'll give em candy under the table, or better yet, come to my house that night for trick-or-treating :P

speaking of costumes, I'm coming up with one now for the JET Halloween Party next week v(^_^)

Kyoto Trip - The first weekend of Nov we get friday off for "Cultural Day" so the Toyama JETs are organizing a little trip south to the Kyoto area. Since the itinerary is pretty lax I'm taking this opportunity to slip off to Kobe for a day with a few JET friends to visit my old EHS friend Yuki. It's been 5 years since I last saw him at graduation!! tanoshimi~

Potential Hong Kong trip - And while we're on the subject of visiting with old friends, I may well be reunited with my lovely friend Kim Kam in Hong Kong this winter! During the Xmas/New Year time students in Japan don't have class but teachers are still expected to go to work (lame), so I'm taking a few of my precious paid vacation days to run off for the holidays. I'm hoping I can see my host family in Tokyo for New Years and then spend the first week of January in HK catching up with Kim. Man it's been ages. Christmas plans are still a big ? .

much to look forward to, I must be frugal these next few months. ! (-_-);;


Anonymous said…
Hey! I just saw this online this morning. It's an article about Tim Burton talking about creepy places in LA that remind him of Halloween.

If that doesn't say "Diana Grande," I don't know what does.


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