Tacoma in Jpn textbooks

I was flipping through the textbooks I'll be using for the 1st level students, and I found a chapter that covers the Seattle/Tacoma area! I was trying to explain to my coworkers that of all the cities in the world to have a chapter on it was funny that they should choose Tacoma, WA...

the other day I got a call down from the office saying the principle of the school wanted to see me. I was thinking maybe I had abused my internet privileges, but then when I get down there he makes me coffee and then proceeds to explain how in 60 million years the Euroasian plate and the North American plate will collide, all the volcanoes will explode and kill every living life form. But then he says (in japanese) "you have nothing to worry about! Minnesota is in the middle of nowhere. It will be ok" Then he gives me a Japanese article about the Earth's plates shifting and sends me on my way.
An interesting character... it'll be fun to see what he's like at our first enkai :D

Meanwhile I've getting together my first lesson plan. Basically its just a self introduction with pictures followed by a getting-to-know you game. I'm gunna teach them how to do a proper handshake: make eye-contact, make it firm, and big smile! The Japanese seem to have a problem with these three concepts.

pic from the Tanabata Festival in Takaoka:


Cindles said…
How's this for luck then - you're an ALT with JET! I'm intending to apply for an ALT position to go with JET mid next year, so already you've given me some info on what conditions in いăȘか are like =) Doesn't look so bad in the country; have you experienced life in the cities/more populated areas?
Anonymous said…
I agree with the handshake thing, and as I'm sure you've noticed, they don't seem to understand sarcasm either. They always say it in a deadly serious tone; it's like sarcasm is a recent import from American humor and they haven't quite gotten the hang of it yet. I wonder if there's some way you can teach that too....
Anonymous said…
Hey . . . wait a dog gone minute . . . I LIVE NEXT TO A VOLCANO! ;D - Cathy
Cindles said…
Thanks for the low down! Gee, you've had extra good experience then. Goodluck with the year ahead, sounds like celebrity stardom is coming your way in view of Japanese enthusiasm for new people =)

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