Climbing Tateyama
I'm way behind on posts and should have updated our climb up Mt. Tate BEFORE climbing Mt. Fuji. I had a ton to write about our lil' adventure up Tateyama but now in view of our Fuji climb I don't have much to say. Here's the basics-
Last week was Toyama Prefectures 3 day orientation. 1st day with all the toyama jets in Toyama City, 2nd day with our respective regions, and 3rd day as a climb up Mt Tate for whoever was interested.
Mount Tate, aka Tateyama is one of three holy mountains in Japan. The two others being Mt. Fuji and Mt. Haku. I think Tateyama is the 3rd highest in Japan, 1st in Toyama. We are fortunate enough to have Mt Tate in our very own prefecture- most people who live in Toyama I've talked to have climbed it at least once- my supervisor 8 times! This is impressive- Tateyama is no hike.

For the first half there is a narrow, rocky path to follow at a fairly steep incline, so its like climbing stairs for 2 hours. I found this part a lot harder than the actually scaling rock half. Even though it was only 50/60 degrees F, the sun was shining down on us the whole way and we were constantly climbing. And I was really outta shape...
At some points during the first half of the climb there were these trecherous patches of slushy snow that were near impossible to walk across. Many of us fell on our bums multiple times on the way back down.

lunch at midway marker
Once we reached the half-way marker we took a short lunch break before tackling the actual climb. The second half is hard because you're using all fours, but because you're climbing slower its not quite as daunting.
looking down on half way point where we ate lunch
Three (?) hours later I reach the top. There is a small outdoor station with mad expensive omiyage and $7 ramen. If you climb to the very peak, there is a monk who will bless you at a shrine with sacred sake.

By the time I reached the bottom I felt physically ill, whether it was because of the altitude, dehydration, or just exhaustion I dunno. But the relief and self-satisfaction of reaching the bottom was enough to rivitalize me enough to go buy myself some ice cream and tea, and little omiyage Mt Tate wafers for my coworkers.
I complained then, but this was nothing compared to yesterday's climb!! next entry...
Here are the photos taken from our climb up Mt. Tate.
Last week was Toyama Prefectures 3 day orientation. 1st day with all the toyama jets in Toyama City, 2nd day with our respective regions, and 3rd day as a climb up Mt Tate for whoever was interested.
Mount Tate, aka Tateyama is one of three holy mountains in Japan. The two others being Mt. Fuji and Mt. Haku. I think Tateyama is the 3rd highest in Japan, 1st in Toyama. We are fortunate enough to have Mt Tate in our very own prefecture- most people who live in Toyama I've talked to have climbed it at least once- my supervisor 8 times! This is impressive- Tateyama is no hike.
For the first half there is a narrow, rocky path to follow at a fairly steep incline, so its like climbing stairs for 2 hours. I found this part a lot harder than the actually scaling rock half. Even though it was only 50/60 degrees F, the sun was shining down on us the whole way and we were constantly climbing. And I was really outta shape...
At some points during the first half of the climb there were these trecherous patches of slushy snow that were near impossible to walk across. Many of us fell on our bums multiple times on the way back down.
lunch at midway marker
Once we reached the half-way marker we took a short lunch break before tackling the actual climb. The second half is hard because you're using all fours, but because you're climbing slower its not quite as daunting.
looking down on half way point where we ate lunch
Three (?) hours later I reach the top. There is a small outdoor station with mad expensive omiyage and $7 ramen. If you climb to the very peak, there is a monk who will bless you at a shrine with sacred sake.
By the time I reached the bottom I felt physically ill, whether it was because of the altitude, dehydration, or just exhaustion I dunno. But the relief and self-satisfaction of reaching the bottom was enough to rivitalize me enough to go buy myself some ice cream and tea, and little omiyage Mt Tate wafers for my coworkers.
I complained then, but this was nothing compared to yesterday's climb!! next entry...
Here are the photos taken from our climb up Mt. Tate.
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